Learn more about firearms
Seattle Gun Buyer is properly licensed to carry out sales and transfers of rifles in Washington State.
With many years of experience behind us, and because we are gun and sporting enthusiasts ourselves, we are uniquely qualified to identify, appraise, sell, or transfer firearms as part of the estate liquidation process.

A few helpful tips for handling firearms, weapon safety, gun safety, and firearm safety.
Ownership of an FFL license allows an individual or company to engage in the manufacture of firearms and ammunition and allows for the interstate and intrastate sales of firearms
The number of children unintentionally shot and killed each year in the United States could fill a commercial airliner.
Trigger locks are devices designed to prevent a pistol, rifle or other firearm from being accidentally fired while the device is in place.
This single action 9mm semi-automatic was based on an American design but ultimately completed by a Belgian.
A young grandmother kept a handgun to protect herself and her family when they were camping or at home alone. She often left it on her bedside table with rounds beside it, and sometimes left it loaded.